If you are trying to connect to a device from outside of your home network, you may not be able to do so until the IP address changes.

  1. To protect your computer from being hacked or attacked by someone who is not authorized to access it.

  2. To find out who is online on your computer and to contact them if you have any problems.

  3. To track down a lost or stolen computer or device.

  4. Use the Finder to access your files

  5. Use the Windows Explorer to explore your files

  6. Stream audio and video from your home media server to any location in the world with ease. You can access your videos and audio anywhere you have an internet connection.

IP cameras are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a great way to view and control your footage from anywhere in the world. With a few simple steps, you can set up an IP camera and start recording!

IP addresses are a way for ISPs to identify and track customers. If you want a static IP address, you will have to pay an extra monthly charge and most ISPs won’t even offer them to residential customers.

Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS allows you to create a static IP address for your computer. When you visit any web site on the Internet, you can either type in the IP address or you can enter in the domain name, like www.online-tech-tips.com. There are DNS servers all over the world that keep track of which names correspond to which numeric IP addresses.

When you visit a website, your computer first looks up the IP address from a DNS server and then requests the site. This is great for servers that have static IP addresses that never change, but it’s not well suited for servers that are on home broadband connections. This means that your server is constantly “moving” on the Internet and it messes up the one-to-one relationship between domain names and IP addresses. ..

Dynamic DNS can help you keep your computer connected to the internet even when you’re not at home. By using a third party server, Dynamic DNS keeps track of what its current IP address is and gives out this information when you type in your unique domain name. This way, you can give your dynamic IP address a virtual static IP address. When connecting to your computer, you would either type in the domain name or you would ping the domain name to find the current IP address.

When you set up an account with a provider of dynamic DNS services, the provider will give you a subdomain for your hostname. For example, if you have a domain name like seamishore.no-ip.com, the provider would give you a subdomain like no-ip.com/seamishore for your account. The first part of your hostname would be whatever you want as long as someone else hasn’t taken it already!

If you have a router that is not supported by one of these services, you can try to configure your router to use a dynamic DNS provider like DynDNS.

How to Setup Dynamic DNS

DynDNS, a dynamic DNS provider, removed all their free plans in 2014. It’s only $25 a year for their remote access plan, which is pretty cheap for the features you get, but it’s still not free!

If you’re looking for a reliable way to connect remotely from different parts of the world, DynDNS is definitely worth paying for. ..

No-ip is a great free service that allows you to easily connect to the internet without any of the hassle. It’s perfect for people who want to stay connected and don’t want to deal with all of the extra steps or complications that come with using a traditional ISP.


No-ip provides a free dynamic DNS service that includes up to 3 hostnames, email support, dynamic DNS updates (obviously), and URL & Port 80 redirects. Having multiple hostnames is a nice feature in case you have multiple devices you want to remotely access and you want a different hostname for each device. The devices can also have different locations, so you could use one hostname to connect to a computer at home and another to connect to a computer at work.

To get started, click on the Sign Up Now button and create your account. You’ll be asked for one hostname and you can choose to create it later. ..

If you don’t follow the steps, you may not be able to join the site.

To keep your IP address current and up-to-date, you will need to download the update client. This tool will constantly update the no-ip servers with your current dynamic IP address. ..

If the popup doesn’t appear when you login, you can just click on Dynamic Update Client in the left hand menu. It will automatically determine your OS and show the correct download for your platform.

After logging in, you’ll need to first create an account with no-ip.

Once you have chosen a host, the next step is to create a message. This will be a simple text message that will be sent to all of your contacts.

The only other thing I would suggest is clicking on the Daemon tab and clicking the Start button and also checking the Launch Daemon at System Startup box. If you do this, you won’t have to run the client update program at all since there will be this background application that will do the updating automatically.

If you don’t start the daemon, you’ll need to keep the program running all the time. It’ll just sit on your desktop and tell you the current status.

You can start the updater program when logging in by checking the box. However, I find it more convenient to just use the daemon and not worry about the updated app at all.

To ping the hostname (akishore.ddns.net) and get the correct dynamic IP address:

  1. Open a web browser and type in akishore.ddns.net
  2. Click the Ping button
  3. The Ping dialog will appear, where you can enter the hostname (akishore.ddns.net) and other required information

If you want to change the DNS Host, you can do so by clicking on the little question mark next to the DNS Host setting. This will bring up a new window where you can enter in a new hostname for your server. ..

If you are running a web server and your ISP has blocked incoming traffic on port 80, you can select Port 80 Redirect. You basically run your web server on a different port and then specify that port number in the no-ip settings. The user will not have to type in the port number in the URL in order to connect to the web server.

Web Direct will allow you to easily redirected users to any URL that you want. This is great for remote connections since it allows you to easily redirect users to another URL.

Skip everything else on the page and click on Add Host. You can now download the client software on another machine and choose the new host name for that particular instance of the updater program.

To set up remote access to a device on your local network, you first need to forward the appropriate ports on your router to the appropriate devices on your network. Luckily, I’ve already written extensively on port forwarding and how you can configure it on your router.

Dynamic DNS and port forwarding make it easy to connect to a computer or webcam from anywhere in the world.

There are a number of different dynamic DNS services available, each with its own set of pros and cons. No-ip is one option, but there are others that have good reviews. So if you’re looking for a dynamic DNS service, be sure to explore all the options available to you. ..

Dynamic DNS is a great way to keep your computer’s IP address consistent, even when you’re on the go. However, setting it up can be a bit complicated, so if you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy! ..