If you accidentally delete something, remember to try to restore it as soon as possible so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

Understanding Folders

It can be difficult to keep your devices up and running, especially if something goes wrong. Sometimes the user is to blame - for example, if their SD card gets corrupted or they experience a phone crash. But even if something goes wrong, it’s not always the user’s fault. You can lose folders from corrupt SD cards or unexpectedly crashing phones.

There are a few ways to recover lost files on a modern phone. The first is to try and use the built-in features of your phone. If you can’t find the file or it’s not in your storage, you can also try using a recovery software.



  1. Open the Finder and click on the Go menu.
  2. Choose Show hidden files and folders.
  3. Under the “Folders” heading, select the “Files” folder and click on it to show its contents.
  4. Under the “Files” folder, you will see a list of folders that have been hidden for security reasons. To find these folders, follow these steps: a) Click on one of these folders to show its contents; b) Double-click on it to open it in a new window; c) Drag and drop files into this window; d) Click on the arrow next to the “Open in new window” button to open it in a new window as well.

In the File Manager, select the “My Documents” folder. In the “My Documents” folder, select the “Photos” folder. In the “Photos” folder, select the “Videos” folder. In the “Videos” folder, select the “Music” folder.

Tap Menu > Settings. Go to Display & Sounds. Tap Menu > Settings. Go to Display. Under “Display Type,” tap “Screen Mirroring.” Under “Display Mode,” tap “Mirroring.” Under “Display Area,” select the desired area on your device’s screen to which the mirroring will be applied. ..

Tap Show Hidden Files to show all hidden files on your device.



If you’re using a cloud backup service like Google Photos, OneDrive, or Dropbox, it’s possible that your data is being backed up to the cloud in the background. This could be a good thing if you lose your phone or if your computer crashes, but it could also be a problem if you don’t want these services running in the background and using up your data allowance. ..

Your device automatically saved the files to your account online! This means that if something happens to your device and you can’t access the files, you can still access them through your online account. ..

If you have deleted your files from your mobile device, you can still access copies of these by logging into your cloud account. ..

In Google Photos, you can check the trash folder for images that are not supposed to be there and return them to their proper place.

After 60 days, any items in the Trash folder will be permanently deleted. ..



If you don’t have cloud storage, you might want to consider digging through your SD card. ..

To recover data from a phone that has been lost or stolen, you will need to connect the phone to a desktop or laptop and install a data recovery program. ..

There are many data recovery software solutions on the market today. You will need to research and choose the best one for you. Check out our video on YouTube above and see some of our other posts here:

  1. Recovery software is a critical tool for anyone who wants to keep their data safe and secure.
  2. There are many different types of recovery software available, so it’s important to choose the one that is right for you.
  3. Some of the most popular recovery software include Windows 7 Recovery Console, Macrium Reflect, and Ubuntu One Recovery.
  4. Each recovery software has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to test them out before you decide which one to use.
  5. Finally, be sure to read the reviews before choosing a recovery software! They can help you understand what others have experienced with that particular program."

If you accidentally delete a file, you can recover it by using the Windows recovery tools.

It’s important to be realistic about the chances of recovering data that is lost. There is no guarantee that it will be recovered.


an Android Phone

If you want to root your Android phone, it’s not the ideal solution. But if you save all your files directly on your phone and not a memory card, this may be the only solution left.

There are risks when using a phone. The least of which is voiding the warranty of your device. However, recovering data from the phone itself requires root access. But if you’re up for it, rooting isn’t a difficult process. It can even unlock other phone features that you might find interesting.

-For Android phones that use a USB cable:

  1. Plug the phone into a power source and your computer.
  2. Open File Explorer on your computer and navigate to where you saved the rooting file.
  3. Double-click on the rooting file to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the rooting process. -For Android phones that use a wireless connection:
  5. Connect your phone to your computer using a wireless network connection.
  6. Open File Explorer on your computer and navigate to where you saved the rooting file.
  7. Right-click on the rooting file and select “Open With.”
  8. Select “Windows PowerShell” from the list of options, and press Enter to open Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  9. Type “cd” (without quotes) followed by “\android-sdk” (without quotes), and press Enter to change directories to where you saved the rooting file earlier in this guide.. 6.. Type “powershell” (without quotes) followed by “Invoke-Command” (without quotes), and press Enter to open Windows PowerShell as an administrator again.. 7.. Type “./install-root-package.” (without quotes) followed by your device’s model number, for example, “./install-root-package.-MotoX4”. (Without quotes means that there are no quotation marks around these words.) 8.. Press Enter twice to finish entering commands in Windows PowerShell.. ..

If you’re looking to root your Nexus 5, 5X, 6, 6P, or 7 device, there are a few things you’ll need to do in order to get started. First and foremost, you’ll need a rooted device. If you don’t have one yet, be sure to check out our guide on how to root your Nexus 5. Once you have a rooted Nexus 5 or 5X device, we recommend following our guide on how to root your devices using the Odin flashing tool. After following our guide and rooting your devices using Odin, we also recommend installing the latest Android security patches in order to keep them protected from potential vulnerabilities.

  1. Remove the battery.
  2. Unlock the phone by pressing and holding the power button and volume up button at the same time for about 10 seconds.
  3. Lift off the back of the phone with a fingernail or a screwdriver and remove the battery cover.
  4. Disconnect all cables from your phone (including charging cables, headphones, etc.).
  5. Place your phone on a flat surface with no obstructions (like a counter).
  6. Hold down one of the corners of the battery cover and lift up; this will release the screws that hold it in place on top of your phone.7. Remove both screws from around edge of battery cover and discard it; you now have two pieces of plastic that are free to work with (the front & back).8. Place one piece of plastic over each corner of your new battery cover, making sure it is touching both sides (it should now look like this):9. Put your old battery back in place by screwing it back in place using two screws at an angle, making sure not to damage either plastic piece while doing so (it should now look like this):10. Put everything back together by re-inserting both screws into their original places and screwing them in firmly

If you own a Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S8, or Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S10 smartphone, you can easily root it using one of the many rooting methods available. Rooting allows you to gain access to system files and settings that are not normally accessible to users. This can be useful if you want to customize your phone or install custom software. ..


Don’t be a victim of cloud storage apps that are not optimized for Android devices. Make sure to use the best cloud storage apps for your device, like Google Photos, Dropbox, and iCloud.

While free versions have limitations, they are enough for the average user. Any solution is better than no solution. ..

Other Data Recovery Solutions

If you’re using an Android device, the best bet is to first try some data recovery apps from the Google Play Store.

If you have an Android device and an SD card, you can use these apps to scan it for any lost files. Make sure to pick an app that has been downloaded over 500,000 times and has a 4.0 star rating.

If an app doesn’t work, there are some paid third-party programs out there that you can try like FoneDog, File-Recovery.com, and Remo Software. If they do have free versions, they normally will only allow you to recover a few files as proof that they can work in your situation. ..