And as the first impression is the last whatever your business is, the initial point of contact with the new customer or the potential is crucial and essential. Shep Hyken, a customer service expert, calls this as the monument of truth, setting the tone for whatever interaction has to follow as it could make or break your relationship with your customers.
Convert first-time buyers into repeat customers
So how would you leave a good impact on your first-time buyers and then turn them into repeat customers? Below given are five different ways to make a repeat purchase from an existing customer that would help you achieve it?
Excellent customer service
Customer service experience matters a lot. You could never go wrong when providing customer service. There are different ways to deal with it, depending on what industry you are in or what is the nature of your business. And when it comes to the contact centers, do have a quick look at the profile of a person you are generally talking about and look out for opportunities that could make the call unique for the person. Most important, you need to be aware of the products and services you are offering, so do know what you are talking about as this makes it easy for first-time buyers as well as your existing customers to come and trust you.
Best products or services
One of the best things about a customer’s service is that it serves your research and development arm. Through the interaction that you have with your customers, you understand and know what exactly people are looking out for and what makes them tick and what are the concerns to them. The customer support trunk line is a huge resource of your data and is something that should not be taken for granted.
Be generous
Generosity could go a long way where freebies, promos, and discounts are easily welcomed and help you drive several sales. There are many opportunities and different ways of expressing generosity, where some of them could go viral, and some of them are quiet acts of kindness that made some of the loyal customers out of random people. Remember, generosity could make a huge difference to your business, no matter whatever your business is. Do take a note of all the concerns of your customers so that you can solve the issues faced by your customers. And in case you are feeling up for it, give your customers a callback and see if any of their concerns have been resolved or not. It would again make them feel that you do care for them.
Keep customers in the loop
While dealing with a BPO industry, understand and know how you could keep in touch with your customers. You need to know at least their phone numbers, and email addresses so that they could easily have a communication with them. Also, make sure that you do not send them sales pitches or product demos to them. Get personal and make the first time buyers feel that you do care for them.
Under promises, over-deliver
No matter whatever business we are dealing with, as a salesperson, we often make promises with a world of great things that comes with our products or services to make some sales. Doing this would not just heighten the expectations and lead them to enough disappointments when they do not get what they had expected. You need to remember that meeting the expectations of their clients and customers is essential, and when you consistently meet them, you can ensure that your customers would come back for more tomorrow.