If you’re looking for a way to spruce up your resume without spending a dime, check out our recent article on how to create resumes using Google Docs’ resume templates. In that article, we cover where you can find the Google Docs template gallery and what you can expect from it. ..

We want to create our own templates that are unique and interesting. We want to be able to show our work in a way that makes us stand out from the rest.

  1. Google Docs Resume Templates from 123rf.com 123rf.com offers a wide variety of free Google Docs resume templates, including for both personal and professional use. The templates are easy to use and include everything you need to create a great resume, such as headings, lists, and images.
  2. Resume Templates from Hootsuite Hootsuite is another great site for finding free Google Docs resume templates. They offer a variety of templates that are perfect for different purposes, such as business or personal use. You can also find templates for specific job roles or industries.
  3. Google Sheets Resume Templates from Sheets4u Sheets4u is another great site for finding free Google Sheets resume templates. They offer a variety of different resumes and cover letters in various formats, as well as customizations for your own needs. You can also find templates that are specifically designed for online applications or job postings.

Resume Genius

If you’re someone who likes the look and feel of Google Docs’ stock resume templates, but don’t want to have to make cosmetic changes to them yourself, Resume Genius is the perfect choice. ..

Resume Genius offers five recolors for the Swiss, Serif, Coral, Spearmint, and Modern Writer templates. These templates come in black and white, blue, brick red, dark blue, and gray.

We really appreciate the easy-to-use Resume Genius tool, which offers a preview of several color options before we make any changes.


Hloom is a popular online document management platform with a wide selection of templates and tools. However, some users find it difficult to create custom resumes using the platform.

Hloom’s resume templates are diverse and customizable to fit any job or career. ..

Hloom offers templates that can be a bit awkward to use. Let’s talk about how you can begin using and editing them. ..

To use Hloom, you will first need to install Google Drive. Once you have it installed, open the Google Drive app and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. On the left side of this screen, you will see a list of tools. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of this screen and select “Google Drive” from the list. Now you can start using Hloom.

If you have Google Drive installed, right-click and select Open with then Choose another app.

In the list of applications that pop up, scroll until you find Notepad. If you plan on experimenting with several Hloom templates, you may want to tick the checkbox for Always use this app to open .gdoc files. Click OK when you’re ready.Notepad will then open and you should see JSON data in it. Here’s an example (for the Substantial template):

Google Drive has a feature that allows you to share a document with someone else. If you want to share a document with someone, you can email them the link or you can give them the document’s file name. ..

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/15/us/politics/trump-immigration-reform.html?action=click&module=Trending&pgtype=Homepage President Trump is pushing for a major immigration reform bill in the new year. ..

This will take you to a view-only preview of the resume template in Google Docs. From there, click on File and then Make a copy to create a copy in your own Google Drive that will allow you to freely edit this template.

The process of creating a resume is not always convenient, but it can be worth it if you find the templates stylish and unique. Hloom has some very stylish and unique resume templates that you won’t find elsewhere.


Jobscan offers a great selection of resume templates that are compatible with ATS, or applicant tracking system. ATS, or applicant tracking system, is a type of software that employers use to automatically sort, scan, and rank job applications based on resumes. This makes it easier for employers to find the best candidates and speed up the hiring process. ..

It is important for anyone looking for a job to be familiar with ATS so that they can increase their chances of not only getting a human-reviewed application, but also these bots. fortunately, Jobscan’s resume templates are all compliant to ATS requirements.

Jobscan offers resume templates in the following categories: classic format, executive, management, mid-level, recent graduate. For each, it explains the use case.

Executive resumes put a greater emphasis on soft skills, like leadership and entrepreneurial drive. Technical skills are not as accentuated.

The templates are designed to help you get the job.

To open any of these resumes in Google Docs, just click on the Google Docs button found beneath each. This will bring you to a view-only preview. ..

If you want to make a copy of any template yourself, simply follow the instructions in each template’s header, which says to click on the Make a copy option under the File menu.

If you’re not happy with Google’s provided Docs resume templates, there are plenty of other options out there. Check out any of the three websites above and you may find a template that suits you!